Self Retreat
Tathagata Meditation Center offers Self-Retreat opportunities to experienced yogis who have practiced at least three 30-day retreats at TMC and have the discipline to adhere to the daily schedule without close supervision from the meditation teacher.
To be granted permission to conduct a self-retreat at TMC, the yogi must meet the following conditions:
Practice Vipassana meditation solely and follow the daily practice schedule strictly from 5 am to 10 pm
Have a Vipassana meditation experience according to the Mahasi tradition as expounded by Sayadawgyi U Pandita
Have participated in at least two 30-day retreats at TMC within the last 2 years.
Obtain pre-approval from the TMC's Abbot and TMC Executive Director or Chairman
Be able to communicate in English
Have good health
Arrange or prepare your own food
Report to the abbot about the practice periodically as determined by the Abbot
Keep noble silence (talk only if necessary) at all time
Observe the maximum time limit (one month) of staying
Submit a self-retreat registration application after getting pre-approval.
Termination: The Executive Officer could terminate the yogi's self-retreat at any time if deemed not beneficial to both the yogi and the center

Please fill out the Self Retreat registration form and send it to: