Book Requests

The Free Distribution of Dhamma Books Program is one of the programs created to carry out the promulgation of the original teachings of the Buddha as stated in the Tathāgata Meditation Center’s (TMC’s) Mission. It offers a vast collection of Buddhist books ranging from beginner to advanced levels in both theoretical and practical aspects. All the books are available for free distribution.
To request a book, complete the form and submit it to us. We will ship one book per title, and please note that we currently only ship within the continental United States.
The free book distribution initiative stems from a deep commitment to sharing the Dhamma and providing practical and beneficial resources for retreatants and lay practitioners alike. The history of this collection reflects a careful and dedicated process. When TMC identifies an invaluable topic, a book, a discourse, or a sermon (sutta), Mr. Luyen Pham (TMC’s chairman and general editor) collaborates with U Hla Myint (Pali scholar and was trained as a monk) to elaborate, refine or clarify the content for better understanding and then publish it in a book form. For instance, several small pamphlets and short articles by the esteemed Venerable U Janaka Bhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw) were compiled to create the now widely appreciated The Progress of Insight Meditation book. Recognizing its value, many Vietnamese readers requested a Vietnamese version and Mr. Luyen Pham translated it. It usually takes about a year to produce a book.
This approach has led to the development of many such valuable pairings, such as Fundamentals of Buddhism, Dependent Origination, Well-informed Buddhist, Fundamentals of Vipassana Meditation, and Manual of Abhidhamma Explained. Each book is crafted and curated to ensure it meets the needs of those seeking deeper understanding of the Buddha's teachings. We are honored to share these resources to support the growth of wisdom as stated in our mission.
All the books published by TMC are included in the “Books Published by Tathāgata Meditation Center” listing. Interested readers can request them by filling out the request form and mailing it to us. We will try our best to mail them free of charge within the United States as soon as we can.